Join Us

Join us at the Firehouse Arts Center for

an enriching experience that allows you to be an integral part of the magic that unfolds on stage. Whether you’re pursuing a career in the arts or simply have a passion for creativity, this is a place where you can channel your enthusiasm into meaningful contributions. As a staff member, you’ll find yourself immersed in a dynamic environment, collaborating with dedicated professionals across various departments, from production and marketing to education and administration. Your efforts will directly contribute to the seamless execution of captivating performances that inspire and entertain audiences.

If you choose to volunteer, you’ll discover a rewarding avenue to give back to your community while indulging your love for the arts. From ushering to assisting in our gallery or with special events, your time and energy contribute to the smooth functioning of the center and the enrichment of countless lives. Volunteering here not only allows you to witness the transformative power of the arts up close but also enables you to forge meaningful connections with fellow volunteers, artists, and the diverse range of individuals who come through our doors.

Whether you’re seeking to build a career or seeking a fulfilling way to give back, the performing arts center offers a unique platform to celebrate creativity, connect with others who share your passions, and contribute to the cultural tapestry of your community.

For more information about volunteering, click here!

For more information about jobs at the Firehouse, click here!