This page is for performers and parents for the most recent Youth Music Festival.
Please bookmark this page for your information and check the calendar often for rehearsal and call time updates.
Please double click the dates on the calendar to access more details. Look under “DESCRIPTION” for who is called, what to bring, and how to prepare
Forms & Packet
Deadline to have all forms filled out and turned in is Wednesday 1/20/16 by 6:00pm
Performer Head Shots & Bios
- Please email Jeff (jzavattero@cityofpleasantonca.gov) a hi-res color photo (chest up) for the slide show and possible program on or before Wednesday 2/17/16 by 6:00pm. Sooner is appreciated
- Check back here for a bio submission form.
Youth Music Festival Staff
Mark Duncanson: Director | mduncanson@cityofpleasantonca.gov | office: 925-931-4828
Jeff Zavattero: Assistant Director | jzavattero@cityofpleasantonca.gov | office: 925-931-4854
Andrew Mondello: Vocal Director | amondello@cityofpleasantonca.gov